$342.00 USD

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3 out of 5 people that comes into the salon today sugar from some type of hair loss, scalp disorder or hair disorder. You can treat them armed with accurate knowledge. 

IN-PERSON HOLISTIC TRICHOLOGY will help you understand how to manage your clients' needs through this comprehensive training. This program will set you apart from anyone in your market. The course will prepare you on; body systems, equipment, marketing,  hair restoration, hair disorders, scalp disorders and product knowledge. You cannot treat the hair separate from the body as a holistic unit, when the body is in trouble the hair is too. 
THIS COURSE IS NONREFUNDABLE What to expect from A.R T Academy:
Week 1: Introduction, Chemistry, and Science of hair
Week 2: pH, Surfactants, and Anatomy of hair
Week 3: Contributors to hair loss, Body systems, and Androgenetic Alopecia
Week 4: Telogen Effluvium, Traction Alopecia, and Alopecia Areata
Week 5: Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia, Anagen Effluvium, and Frontal Fibrosing
Week 6: Trichotillomania, Trichorrhexis Nodosa, Tinea Capitis, and Scalp Psoriasis Week 7: Seborrheic Dermatitis, Folliculitis, Trichodynia, and Equipment needed Week 8: Services, products, and partnerships, Consultation Explained, TDR Guide, and Templates for consultation
Bonuses that come with this class: Trichology Test out
Face to Face Zoom Meeting upon completion of course
Consent forms
Graduation Lab coats